

Saving Time with School

Tips to survive that “School Hectic Time.”

l. Keep a strict bedtime. If you expect your child to get up for the bus or for school, they must get to bed. Bed time is sacred at our house for the younger ones. Exceptions only come when Dad lets them. (I have to deal with the crab in the morning. Not my husband, but the child.)

2. Plan easy lunches. Have the supplies on hand. I freeze lunch meat and get sliced cheese in bulk then wrap them in week sized portions.

3. Have a place for easy snacks. I have a basket for breakfast bars, and granola bars. When the boys go anywhere, they can grab a few and take with them to hold them over till they return. These can be added to their lunches---their responsibility to add to their lunch box.

4. Have a place for backpacks and lunch boxes so they are not easily forgotten going out the door, and not hard to put when they come in the door. When it’s time for jackets and boots, add that to the place. (There’s a lot of helpful pictures on pinterest for this.)

5. Have do-it-yourself breakfasts. School days aren’t good days to have a family sit down breakfast (unless that is what your husband decides.) You have a mess to clean before your school day begins and you are unavailable to help them out the door. Many quick, do-it-ahead recipes for breakfast are available if you want to freeze them, i.e. muffins. Even protein shakes help starts their day when they wake up late. Help their day get better, in spite of sleeping in. Breakfast is important for little stomaches.

6. Many of my readers homeschool. Schedules are still important. When school starts at 8 AM…that means breakfast is eaten, chores are done, books are open and quiet has begun. Enforce it at the beginning of the year, if you expect it at the end of the year.

7. Have a place to do school work.

8. Create an environment to study. Turn off the tv, the radio, I-phones. Allow quiet for concentration.

9. Stock up on school supplies now. Sales are great. Have a shelf for extra pens, pencils, notebooks, folders.

10. Last but not least…begin your school year and your school day with pray. Sometimes it works for us to pray with the boys, most of the time it’s just silent as they say ‘good-bye’ and head off in their cars. Either way, make it an open communication that they know you will pray for their test times, their special presentations, their problem with so-and-so…They need your prayers.


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Great ideas, ones I pretty much stuck by when home schooling. It's fun now to help with the grandchildren and no longer be responsible for all that!!

I write about what you---
women, wives and moms---
about your family, faith and future.
I write about what's hard, what helps and what heals.
I show you how it's done. And not done.
I hold your hand as you find what matters to the Savior.
And let go of those things that mattered to you, but not to Him.
I write about what Him.
               Sonya Contreras

Author of Biblical fiction, married to my best friend, and challenged by eight sons’ growing pains as I write about what matters.

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Tell of My Kingdom's Glory
Three Book Series

