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- What God Lost
- What God Lost — Part 2
- When Hope Was Lost
- A Battle in the Heavens
- To Live Forever
- Finding Peace
- Empty Hands
- From Fire and Thunder to Love and Submission
- The Coming One
- Forgiveness Made Possible
- The Innkeeper's Wife
- Do You Have The Right Words?
- The Lamb of God As Told by a Scribe
- What Love Is This?
- When Heaven Came Down
- Family
- Faith
My dad loves Aslett's books!
However, if I'm the first to comment, please don't send it to me :)
Someone else can make use of it, and I can't.
I would love the book you mention! But even if I'm not in time I will definitely check it out of through the library. Sounds like an excellent read.
Someday when we have time :) we are going to make a spice rack like yours! But for now I have all the spices in some deep drawers in my kitchen with all the tops labeled, and it works well.
My husband is a great problem solver, I find that if I am struggling with a certain issue he usually has a good idea to resolve it! It was his idea to put broom clips along the stairway walls when I had no good place for the brooms and mop.