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- The Coming One
- Forgiveness Made Possible
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- Do You Have The Right Words?
- The Lamb of God As Told by a Scribe
- What Love Is This?
- When Heaven Came Down
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- Faith
Price $17.00
Page number 131
Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9990009-5-3
Published by Bull Head Press, Squaw Valley, CA
See Jesus through the eyes of those who met Him.
Most expected Him.
Only a few were ready for Him.
Simeon looked for the hope of Israel.
He found Him.
Herod killed to keep his throne.
He sealed his own fate.
Salazar watched for the Coming One.
And was shown His star in the East.
James struggled to believe,
Until he put aside his expectations.
Judas expected to overthrow Rome,
But didn’t seek for power over sin.
Marinus compared Jesus’s power with Rome’s.
He found Jesus to be stronger.
Nicodemus hungered to know God.
And was satisfied when he met his Savior.
Andrew felt inadequate and slow of speech.
He was given the right words.
Others came with their expectations.
Find them in the pages of Scripture.
Put your own expectations aside.
Know Him by the truth He reveals to you.
Here are some excerpts (without the final editing polish. :)
I Am Simeon
I Am Herod the Great
I Am Salazar, the Chief Magi
I Am Marinus, the Centurian
I Am Judas
I Am Simon, the Leper
I write about what matters...to you---
women, wives and moms---
about your family, faith and future.
I write about what's hard, what helps and what heals.
I show you how it's done. And not done.
I hold your hand as you find what matters to the Savior.
And let go of those things that mattered to you, but not to Him.
I write about what matters...to Him.
Sonya Contreras
Who did the Jews expect Jesus to be?
A man who announced His coming, was not a religious leader, but dressed in camel’s hide, eating locusts.
The Messiah came.
He was the Long Expected One.
But the people expected someone different.
They expected Him to come in glory; He was placed in a manager by a lowly virgin.
They expected a king; He came as a servant.
They expected Him to overthrow the Romans; He came as an obedient subject.
They expected Him to overthrow Rome; His power could conquer any government.
They expected that money could buy position; He asked for their hearts.
When they saw Him, they expected only the Jews to be helped; He came to help the Samaritan who had faith.
They expected Him to call the mighty, He went to the weak.
They expected Him to condemn the publicans, sinners, and prostitutes; He forgave them and asked them to follow Him.
They expected him to be independent; He relied on His Father.
They expected tolerance for their religious ways; He said, “I am the only way.”
They expected to continue in their darkness; He shined His light on all areas.
They hated Him; He loved them.
They perpetuated self-reliance; He relied on His Father.
They gloried in their own self-righteousness; He imparted His perfect righteousness.
They expected to continue in their sin; He rebuked it.
When questioned by the rulers to catch Him in His words, He left them silent.
When beaten, He took it.
When denied, He expected it.
When rejected, He stood alone.
He didn’t call twelve legions of angels, but submitted to death.
When Jesus came to the Jews, they weren’t ready for Him.
Their expectations didn’t match what Jesus did.
Jesus didn’t fulfill people’s expectations.
His actions surprised them.
His words silenced them.
Who are we expecting?
We weren’t expecting the Jesus Who came.
Are you suffering today and demanding that Jesus take it away?
Are you confused because of what you expected God to do for you?
Are you questioning whether God has the right to do this to you?
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Author of Biblical fiction, married to my best friend, and challenged by eight sons’ growing pains as I write about what matters.