

The Battle for Our Children
Many parents have assumed their children are learning what they learned in school.
After staying home with their children and listening to what is taught, parents are concerned. With good reason.
California has pushed for years to have sex education taught to kindergarteners.
Now with a better agenda, "which gender are you?", they have better options.

I've quoted before the communist and socialist agenda to change the world by gaining the children.
They have been doing that in OUR schools for years.
Those great teachers who knew values and ignored the agenda are retiring soon or are already gone. 
Those replacing those great teachers are the progeny of this socialist agenda propagated in our colleges and universities for years.

There is a battle for YOUR children that we, as parents, are loosing.
What can a parent do?

I could give Scriptures stating parents responsibilty to train their children like: Proverbs 22:6; 13:4, Deuteronomy 31:12-14, Ephesians 6:4.
But we have already given that responsibility over to the schools and churches.
Instead of children sitting with their parents, children's church was created for parents not to be embarrassed by their disobedient children sitting beside them.
(One of our boys does not sit with us during the service. But this was after he learned to sit quietly and listen.)

"A new survey found that Americans enjoy just 37 minutes of "quality time" as a family each day during the week. On weekdays, with parents working and kids at school or in other activities, the time they spend all together doing a common activity is significantly low. While the average family is not even spending 40 minutes together ...When asked which factors in their lives were to blame for this lack of family time, two-thirds of the parents surveyed identified their long work hours as the main culprit. Participants also cited weekend chores and their kids’ complex school and activities schedules."

Thirty-seven minutes a day is not enough time to train children in the "way they should go."
Whose training them then?
Not the parents.

You say, "You must work."
I've presented two articles on working moms: How Much Does It Cost for Mom To Work?
How Much Does It Cost for Moms To Stay at Home?

They only presented surface costs, they do not even touch what it will cost when we lose our children.
Parents must evaluate whether they are willing to lose their children to the government's agenda.
Is working worth it to you?

The following are to encourage those who homeschool—it is a lonely, hard job.
And to encourage those thinking about homeschooling—it's totally worth it.
And perhaps to awake other parents to what they should be doing—it's our parental responsibility.

I write about what you---
women, wives and moms---
about your family, faith and future.
I write about what's hard, what helps and what heals.
I show you how it's done. And not done.
I hold your hand as you find what matters to the Savior.
And let go of those things that mattered to you, but not to Him.
I write about what Him.
               Sonya Contreras

Find other articles about motherhood
What's a Mom?
Memories of a Hero Mom
They Called Her Gammy
Are You Tired of the Same, Old Thing?
Who's Responsible for the Children
The Battle for Our Children
​Dear Master of Hands
Close to Home
Reflections from a Mom
Just the Mother-In-Law
A Mom Who Knew Her Job
Letting Go of my Fourth Son
Making a House a Home
How Do I Pray?
Picking up Acorns
Changed by God
Last Times
Are You a Failure?
What To Do Now?
Are You Tired of the Same Old Thing?
What's in a Book, Anyway?
Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence
Confessions of a Desperate Mom
You Are Not Alone
A Wedding Remembered
Sunday Morning Excuses—Is It Worth It?
Stages of Parental Control
Homeschooling Myths Debunked
Do You Know the Word?
Wake Up! Strengthen What Remains
Is Jezebel in Your Midst?
Are You Tired of Being a Mom?
A Day in a Mom's Life
What Talents Are You Wasting as a Mom?
What Have I Learned as a Mom?

What's in It for Me?
Adoption—The Heart of God

The Making of a Man part 4
The Making of a Man part 3
The Making of a Man part 2
The Making of a Man
Are Your Children Safe from Bullying?
Are Your Children Safe from Child-napping and Sexual Abuse?
Are Your Children Safe?
The Value of Remembering
Marjorie Rutherford: A Testimony to God's Faithfulness
Marjorie Conrad: A Testimony to God's Trustworthiness
Starting School Again
Dependence or Independence?
Breast Milk Made Especially for Your Child
What Is Essential for Babies?
My Space, My Time, My Needs
What's a Mom?
A Mother's Influence
A Mother of Boys
Prepare for the Lord: Thoughts for Moms from Exodus 19


Author of Biblical fiction, married to my best friend, and challenged by eight sons’ growing pains as I write about what matters.