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- Empty Hands
- From Fire and Thunder to Love and Submission
- The Coming One
- Forgiveness Made Possible
- The Innkeeper's Wife
- Do You Have The Right Words?
- The Lamb of God As Told by a Scribe
- What Love Is This?
- When Heaven Came Down
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A good line I heard as the boys head out the door: "Remember who you belong to." (The family name "Contreras" and "Jesus".) Great article! Only a mom who has experienced this over and over again, can write such an article! That is why Dads are so important is child rearing. They remind the moms that their boys are now men and don't need their moms micromanaging their lives anymore. Hard not to be needed!
You sure got all of this right. It's so very hard to let go and even when I think I have, something comes up and (unfortunately) I open my mouth with advise they don't want. Or probably need. It's a process and much harder on mothers than the children. Thanks so much for sharing, it helps to know how others struggle with this.